Benefits of Eating Fish Regularly

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To consume more fish is beneficial for your health. This is the finding of study undertaken by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis (HCRA) at the Harvard School of Public Health.

The research, "A Quantitative Analysis of Risks and Benefits Associated with Changes in Fish Consumption," evaluated the prospective impact of customer responses to national advisories that caution about the impacts of fish exposure to mercury. Advisories could be misconstrued and prevent individuals from eating fish and seafood.

Fish are an outstanding source of omega-3 fatty acids that can safeguard against coronary heart disease and stroke, and are believed to help the neurological growth of unborn babies, "said Joshua Cohen, HCRA's lead author and senior research associate. "If that information gets lost in how the public perceives this issue, then individuals may inappropriately curtail fish consumption and increase their risk of adverse health outcomes." Since the body can not produce omega-3 fatty acids, people depend on fish to provide this vital compound.

Consuming less fish was also associated with a substantial rise in the danger of heart attack and stroke.

The research found that pregnant females, who are at much higher danger of exposure to mercury, could boost the advantages of cognitive development for their unborn baby by eating the suggested portions of fish per week and selecting from a selection of low mercury fish and seafood. The advantage of fish consumption during childbirth could lead to an rise in the newborn's IQ rate.

Clear messages resulting from studies such as this encourage people to continue to enjoy fish and seafood as part of a healthy diet.


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